Merops apiaster
Etching design, 17,5 x 21 cm
My good friend José Mª Bellido, Pepón, loved this work. I gave it to him and he put it at his house. Whenever I see the work, it reminds me of him.

Charadrius dubius
Etching design, 15,5 x 19,5 cm
Here I’ve tried to transmit the movement of this bird, so I used the repetition of lines.
My colleague and friend Mr. Luis Cuaresma liked it a lot.

Vanellus vanellus
Etching design, 11 x 14,5 cm
Here are a series of engravings I made by using the technique of line etching.
The making of moulds in this technique is relatively easy. First, you have to varnish the side of the plate to work with and protect the opposite side (better with hard ball ground varnish). Then you transfer the drawing, being careful not to scratch the varnish. You continue scratching the widest lines and putting it in etch. Then you scratch the thinnest ones; the more immersions in etch you do, the better the quality of the lines.