Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Druso - Felis silvestris

Graphite pencil drawing on paper, 30x23 cm.

Druso (detail)
Graphite pencil drawing on paper, 30x23 cm.

Last October I travelled to Riópar, a small village in the Segura Mountains in Albacete. There is a Nature Education Centre, “La Dehesa”, where you can see lots of animals of the Iberian fauna in captivity. Among them, Druso, a wild cat which was taken to the Centre when it was very young. It was bred as a domestic cat. As it is not afraid of humans, you can watch it easily. This is a portrait of Druso.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Illustration of the literary journail `Pan de Trigo´, No. 57

`Pan de Trigo´ Cover, No. 57
Alcedo atthis,
Digitally touched up graphite pencil drawing on paper, 29x7x21 cm (original)

Lutra lutra,
Ink drawing on paper, 42x29,7 cm.

Podiceps nigricollis,
Ink drawing on paper, 29x7x21 cm.

Last December, my colleague Isabel Del Rey- President of the Literary Association “Pan de Trigo”- offered me, once again, to collaborate with the group in the 57th number of the journal. Here are the illustrations I made.

A countryside view II

A countryside view I

The blue-beaked duck