Common Snipe, Gallinago sp
Oil painting on wood, 30x42 cm.
I´d like to show you the work I had made until, approximately, the `long weekend´in December. I consider the stage of graphite finished. According to Yolanda, it is perfect as it is, and it doesn´t need colour.
December is a bad month for working on the `pencils stuff´, especially if you are a teacher... With long weekends, Christmas dinner, correcting tests and giving marks, you don´t have time for anything.
I think that until this `shopping-production-pollution´ period is over, I won´t be able to go on with it and the other four pictures I´m tied up with.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and suggest that you don´t buy unnecessary things, as every purchase involves some pollution that we could avoid. Our New Year´s Resolution for 2011 could be buying only what we think it is strictly necessary. The reason for all the ills afflicting Our Planet is the excessive consumerism of our society.