Head of pike, Esox lucius
Left size
Galvanized sheet and tin-silver copper, 25x11'5x10 cm.

Head of pike, Esox lucius
upper left side
Galvanized sheet and tin-silver copper, 25x11'5x10 cm.

Head of pike, Esox lucius
Upper view
Galvanized sheet and tin-silver copper, 25x11'5x10 cm.

Head of pike, Esox lucius
Right side
Galvanized sheet and tin-silver copper, 25x11'5x10 cm.
For two years I have been thinking about making a large-scale sculptoric group. I´d like to contrast shapes, materials, concepts…
The group would be composed of an otter, made of wood or bronze and a pike, made of sheet; both of them surrounded by aquatic plants and framed within my characteristic rectangles.
Nowadays I have the time and space needed to approach the project. I don´t know when it will be finished but I have already made the head of the pike… I have to think out the movement of its body and study the pose of the otter. There is still a lot of work to be done. I´ll show you my progress.

Head of pike, sketch, Esox lucius
Graphite pencil on paper, 42x30 cm.

Otter, sketch -Lutra lutra- made from some pictures taken at the Botanic Zoo in Xerez,
Graphite pencil on paper, 25x25 cm.

Study of the proportions of the pike, Esox lucius
Graphite pencil on paper, 50x25 cm.

Initial sketch of the sculptoric group
Biro on paper, 15x21 cm.