Tuesday, July 15, 2014

ROTARTE 2014, Punto de encuentro II

Here you have the catalogue of the exhibition.

Click on the image to go to the link

Monday, July 14, 2014

ROTARTE 2014, Punto de encuentro

Next Friday, June 16th, at 8.00 p.m.  the exhibition 'ROTARTE 2014, Punto de encuentro', will be opened in Rota -Cádiz-, at Sala Mercado Central Torre de la Merced. I'll be in very good company with my friends Ándres J. Naranjo and Lolita Paz Arribas and some colleagues s J.M. Estévez, Julio Malvido and Olga Ordóñez.

Here you have the works I`m going to show:

The Little Hunter -Lanius senator
Bronze and iron, 120x57x57 cm.

Alba - Tito alba
Bronze, iron and wood, 200 x 87 x 52 cm.
Barn owl -Tyto alba

Alba - Tito alba
Base of the work where you can see a shrew - Crocidura russula

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cáceres Wildlife Art 2014 Exhibition

Next to `The Living River II´- Alcedo atthis' with my little daughter Andrea Gaia

Last weekend we were in Cáceres to enjoy the 4th Edition of Cáceres Wildlife Art Exhibition ;here you have a sample of it.

 Next to 'Amenaza (Menace) - Charadrius alexandrinus'

 People at the exhibition hall 

In addition to the events of the Birds Festival, this year the historic centre of the city was full of activity, with tents and theatre shows.
One of the dance shows inspired by birds.