Monday, December 16, 2019

Sunday, December 15, 2019

New web for my project Nostalgia

Coinciding with my solo exhibition of Nostalgia at the Museum House Zenobia and Juan Ramón Jiménez in Moguer, Huelva,  this new site comes out.
Here is the link:


Nostalgia 'talks to' texts of the 1959 Nobel Award for Literature Juan Ramón Jiménez .



59th Society of Animal Artists Annual Exhibition

This weekend the 59th Society of Animal Artists Annual Exhibition has been opened at the Briscoe Western Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas, USA. My sculpture  'Mimetism, Caprimulgus ruficollis - homage to  Fco.Manuel Sánchez Mesa' is there together with the works of many Wildlife Art great artists.
I must thank Paul Rhymer for sending me some pictures and all the Members of the board of the SAA for their work.

Cover of the catalogue

Page of the catalogue in which my work appears
SAA web gallery of the exhibition
My friend Paul Rymer  next to his wonderful work

Birds in Art 2019

I'm honoured that my sculpture 'Colorines, Carduelis sp.' has been selected for the prestigious exhibition Birds in Art 2019 in the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin, EEUU.
This year I haven't been able to attend either

27th Drawing and Casting in Bronze Course

This is my second year as a teacher in the Drawing and Casting in Bronze Course in Priego de Córdoba with Andrés J. Naranjo, M. Esperanza Durán Ruiz and Itahisa Pérez Conesa.

Birds in Art 2018

WHERE IS THE WATER?, Saxicola rubicola
Cast bronze on an old watering can and iron 82 x 57 x 64 cm.

Selected work for the Birds in Art 2018 exhibition. This year I haven't been able to attend the Opening Weekend at the Woodson Art Museum.