Study of Falco naumanni (male),
Watercolour on paper, 29'7x21 cm.

Heads, study of sexual dimorphism,
Watercolour and graphite pencil drawing on paper, 29'7x21 cm.

Study of proportions,
Graphite pencil drawing on paper, 29'7x21 cm.
Great day painting in Seville. Last Saturday morning, some members of AEAN (including me) went to the Patio de las Banderas, where the Forum for Diversity is located, to spend the day drawing Lesser Kestrels (Falco naumanni).
I show you some paintings made on site, some of them possible with the help of the telescopes which, kindly, my colleagues lent to me.
This day is part of a group project which will have a second stage of working at the studio and will end with an exhibition in Seville by the end of the year.