Nostalgia, Motacilla alba
Bronze on old plough and wood, 89x120x70 cm.
Inscription: ' To my father, heir of a culture which is almos lost-'
Nostalgia, Motacilla alba (Detail)
This sculpture is the result of my second casting. It has been selected for the 74th International Contest of Visual Arts in Valdepeñas.. If you remember, last edition, I was also selected by my work Alba.
Cover of the catalogue
Page of the catalogue where the selected work appears
Pictures of the opening
From left to right: D. Manuel López Rodríguez, Deputy Mayor and responsible for Culture, Commerce and Tourism Area of Valdepeñas Town Hall; Dª. Tania Blanco, Gold Medal of the Exhibition; D. Dis Berlín, guest artist and member of the jury in the present edition; D. Felipe Garín Llombart, Art History Professor and museographer, ex-director of El Prado Museum and Spain Academy in Rome, and current Director of the Museum Consortium in Valencian Community and the Arts Institute El Carmen and member of the jury and D. Jesús Martin Rodríguez-Caro, Mayor of Valdepeñas, during the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
Images of the opening