Sunday, October 16, 2016

Casting in August

'Where is the water? - Taxicola torquatus'
Model in wax

This year I have cast three times... that's a record.
The first time, in March,  I cast 10 pieces in 16 casting trees.
The second time, in June, 6 copies of a small format engraving.
And the third time is this one in which we cast 8 small format engravings of two different models, the common stonechat and the leaves below and three pieces of my friend Esmeralda Durán, who took part in this cast and in the March one.

Interior of the furnace with two pieces of microcast. 

'Where is the water? - Taxicola torquatus'
Model in bronze still with the casting tree and the crucible. 

Ficus leaves 
Model in bronze still with the casting tree. 

A great team
From right to left: De derecha a  izquierda: Fco. Manuel Sánchez, Manolito Perú, Esperanza Durán and me.

Lost wax casting process with ceramic shell using the microfusion method. 

Lost wax casting process with ceramic shell using the direct casting method.