Ade, Nieves, Miguel, Anita, Lolita, Naranjo, Juanjo and Bego (Sau), Luis, Carmen and Marta, Dayse, Leonor, Irene, Bea, Antonio, Marta and Luis, José Antonio, Venancio… thanks for this month.

Andrés Naranjo, Professor at the Fine Arts Faculty in Seville. No doubt, the funniest person in the group.
I hope this course is the beginning of a friendship.

Here I am with my `little bird´(that was how my fellows called it)

Closing ceremony. During the same the prizewinners were appointed. I was awarded one of the scholarships and my fellow, Begoña Ortiz, was awarded the other one. The work I made will be part of the collection of the Municipal Foundation `Adolfo Lozano Sidro´ in Priego de Córdoba.

Everybody at work.

The teachers (among the best ones I´ve ever had): Mr. Venancio Blanco, Mr. José Antonio Aguilar, Mrs. Marta Campos and Mr. Luis García Cruz.

Enrique Caetano, Professor at the Fine Arts Faculty in Seville and one of my graduation classmates, made the speech: “El dibujo de apunte, hacia la formación plástica personal”.