Monday, August 31, 2015

76th Fine Arts International Exhibition in Valdepeñas

One more year... the appointment with Valdepeñas consolidates. In 2012 and 2013 two of my works were shown, too. I couldn't take part in it in 2014...

Equilibrio o ¿Crees que somos iguales?, Recurvirostra avosetta 
(Equilibrium or Do you think we are the same?
Bronze and iron, 98 x 92 x 43 cm.



Yolanda, my little Andrea and Ana were with me. 

Visitors at the exhibition

From left to right: Abraham Lacalle - guest artist -, Manuel Lopez - Deputy Mayor and Culture Councillor in Valdepeñas-, Carmen T. Olmedo -Delegate of the JCCM in Ciudad Real-, Emili Gonzalez Saenz - Awarded with the Golden Medal-, Jesus Martin -Mayor of Valdepeñas-.

Moving speech by D. Jesús Martín - Mayor of Valdepeñas- who thanked the people of Valdepeñas by the continuity  of this event, which does not belong to any political party- It belongs to the citizens of Valdepeñas.
For his part, D. Manuel Lopez - Deputy Mayor and Culture Councillor - criticized the central governmentbecause of the excessive VAT for Culture in Spain.


Cover of the catalogue 
Clik on this image to link with a Pdf.
My work is on page 95. 

Page in the catalogue where my work appears.

This town is different... charming... Here is the Royal Street.

He is present in this city.
At the Canal we can see his huge Don Quixote. Today I prefer to show you one of the latest enlargements in wood that he made for that monument. It is in the entrance hall of the Hotel Veracruz. 

Besides, my surprise was great when I saw that his 'Belmonte' appeared in one of the posters of the event on the façade of the Círculo La Confianza (showroom)

Drawing at Priego de Córdoba

Every morning, during the course of Priego we practised natural drawing with a model.
Aida, thanks for your professionalism posing for us.
As usual we all  showed our drawings to the Master who gave us his knowledge and guided us through this difficult path that drawing is.

A sample of my drawings, which are shown in 'Las Carnicerías Reales' in Priego de Córdoba, together with those of my classmates and the sculptures - the sketch by D. Venancio Blanco, the enlargements in plaster and bronze - made in the workshop. 


This year I asked for the possibility of  enjoying my work 'The Living River', winner of the 2009 course scholarship of sculpture. I took some higher quality photos.  
Thanks to Miguel Forcada - Culture town councillor in Priego de Córdoba for permitting this 'meeting'.

It is also usual that D. Venancio asks us to give him our self-portrait in order to have a record of all the students in the course. I made this drawing ... I couldn't think of a better self-portrait for me  ...  The teacher's smile when I gave it to him was worth the effort.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Drawing and Casting in Bronze Course, Priego de Córdoba 2015

During this August, a special edition of its summer course has been held in Priego de Córdoba. This time we have collaborated in carrying out an enlargement  of one of D. Venancio Blanco's works: 'Tribute to Music' that will embellish a public area of the town. This work is part of the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the Drawing and Bronze Casting Course.

I take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues, teachers and D. Venancio Blanco for the fantastic experience.

From left to right and top to bottom:
Julio Herrero, Jeni Vahos, M.Mar Ruiz, Esperanza Durán, José A. Aguilar (T), Marta Campos (T), Paco Tamajón, Fran A.H. Alvarado, Mar Muñiz, Andrés Naranjo, Lolita Paz, Antonio Viso, Aurora García, Gil Gijón, Jaime López, Luis M. Garcia Cruz (T), José, Miguel Forcada (Culture town councillor), Aida Santos (model), D. Venancio Blanco, ?? and Miguel Montanari.

The work in bronze. It still requires some hours of polising and welding. 

All the process can be followed cliking on this link: 

D. Venancio Blanco uses the opportunity to continue teaching. On this occasion he is highlighting the artistic values of casting trees. Only the artist who knows the casting process or casts his/her own pieces has the sensitivity to understand the aforementioned aesthetic values of these elements so necessary for casting.

Delivery of certificates of attendance. My little daughter invited herself to receive the diploma on my behalf. She took centre stage :)

With my dear friends  Lolita Paz and Andrés Naranjo. This year they justly got the awards of the course. Congratulations!!

Drawing by D. Venancio Blanco. Charcoal compressed on plasterboard.  

The Master delighted us with a drawing master class as soon as he arrived at the workshop:

Another master class by  D. Venancio Blanco.

Recordings by Mar Muñiz